

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Since i'm finished remodeling the blog completely....

I'm gonna take a small break.  But let me fill you in.

I was disappointed that I couldn't get my new banner on the blog.  After learning a few things, I lost just about everything.  Anyways, I have my design back, new banner, and everything just about back up, including my favorite websites.  I was disappointed by Thursday night that I needed at least 24 hours to think......hmmm.......how am I gonna get the banner on my blog and make it "me"?  I went back today, nothing.  Left the house and tried again.......and 3 times it came all together.

Tonight I will add the CVS, Rite Aid, and Walgreens ads.

P. S.  Anybody want to help me plan a coupon class?  I'm thinking by using resources at a library or a campus where we can use a chalkboard, it would work out well.  Since the first class will be the guinea pig, it will be free.

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